First Christian Church

A Speaker Who Delivers A Speech Of Introduction Should Avoid

Mastering the Art of Introducing Speakers

Delivering a speech of introduction may appear simple on the surface. However, the task holds immense significance in setting the stage for the main speaker and the subject at hand. It’s an art that requires understanding and effort; an art that you may learn from a public speaking online course. Let’s delve into the common pitfalls that a speaker introducing another speaker should avoid.

Going Off Topic

One of the significant blunders in introducing a speaker is deviating from the topic. The primary role of an introducer is to establish the theme of the event and clarify the relevance of the speaker’s presence. Losing sight of these objectives and venturing into irrelevant territory can lead to confusion and distract the audience from the main event.

Lack of Preparation

An introduction speech should be specific, credible, and engaging. This goal can only be attained through proper research and preparation. The speaker has the responsibility to highlight the vital credentials and accomplishments of the person they introduce. Failure to adequately prepare could lead to pointless generalities or embarrassing gaffes.

Overstaying the Time Allotted

Another common mistake is exceeding the time provided. The introduction is merely a starter to engage the audience, not a main course. Staying concise and using the allocated time wisely is part of the transition to the principal speaker. Overextending the introduction can lead to audience fatigue even before the primary discourse begins.

Giving Away Key Points

While giving an introduction, it’s crucial to stir curiosity about the speaker and their topic. Yet, it’s equally important not to divulge too much. Revealing key points squashes the excitement and intercepts the speaker’s spotlight. Strike a balance between giving enough information to intrigue the audience and maintaining the suspense for the speaker’s presentation.

Turning the Spotlight on Themselves

The central role of the introduction speaker is to prepare the ground for the main speaker. Unfortunately, some intro speakers use this platform to showcase their knowledge or achievements. Keep in mind, it’s not about you, but about the speaker you are introducing. Your role is to create a bridge between the audience and the upcoming speaker, not to divert attention to yourself.


Learning and understanding the art of introducing a speaker is a significant addition to your communication skills arsenal. Enroll in a public speaking online course to master this skill, avoiding the common pitfalls and confidently setting the stage for any speaker and occasion. Always remember, the best introduction is brief, relevant, engaging, and above all, designed to highlight the main speaker.