First Christian Church

Calculate Your Bmi Stay Healthy}

Submitted by: Daniel Clay

The Body Mass Index or Body Mass Indicator (BMI) is an internationally used statistical measure of obesity by comparing a persons height and weight using a mathematical formula. Measuring and calculating the BMI is quite easy and anyone can calculate it with the use of a weighing machine, scale or measuring tape and a simple calculator.

The formula for BMI is defined as an individuals body weight in kilograms divided by the square of the same individuals height. Its S. I. Unit is kg/m2.

In order to use the BMI formula, the minimum height and weight of an individual must be 4 feet 10 inches (58 inches) and 91 pounds respectively.

The common (for both genders) weight status after calculating the BMI of an individual can be divided into four categories as given below:

1) Underweight If BMI value below 18.50

2) Normal If BMI is in the range of 18.50 and 24.90

3) Overweight If BMI is between 25.00 and 29.90

4) Obese If BMI value is above 30.00


Calculating the BMI

There are two accepted formulas for BMI calculation. These are:

1) Body Weight (kg) / (Height in meters)2. Standard International (SI) Formula.

2) Body Weight (lb) x 703 / (Height in inches) 2.


Body Weight (lb) x 4.88 / (Height in feet) 2.

Now, if a person weighs 150 pounds and measures 65 inches (5.5 ft) in height, the BMI value will indicate that the person is normal.

Periodic calculation will help you keep a tab on your health. In case the BMI results over a period of time appear to be fluctuating, it would be a good idea to talk to your personal trainer about the same.

Applications of BMI

1) BMI results are very closely related to mortality of an individual. A lower BMI value or a normal status indicates longer lifespan of an individual.

2) A very low BMI value is an indication of malnutrition especially protein deficit in an individual.

3) The BMI is used to prepare consensus data between various categories based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

4) Data concerning growth of children can be documented using this formula in the form of a chart.

Limitations of BMI

The major limitation is that BMI doesnt differentiate between muscle mass and body fat. This implies that body builders might show high BMI since they have a lot of muscle but that doesnt imply they are overweight. Similarly, people with disabilities will show a low BMI since they may have underdeveloped or deformed muscles. In such cases, BMI will be low but they may not actually be underweight.

Another limitation is that age is not considered when calculating BMI. So for elderly people, even if the BMI indication is normal, the fact remains that most muscles have been lost because of age.

So in spite of being a tool to measure health and weight risks, some health experts question its accuracy.

BMI is basically a screening tool. It cant be used to diagnose medical conditions. For more detailed information and study, other aspects like diet history, exercise pattern, family history, percentage of body fat, etc. should be included for a final conclusion.

About the Author: Dan Clay is nationally renowned fitness expert and owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to register for a

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